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  • Writer's pictureAlicia Lok


When I was little girl, I felt like I will be in school forever. 3 years pre-school, 6 years primary school, 5 years in secondary school, then another 5 years in college and uni. I think about it, i think i love being in school. Nothing much to worry about. All you gotta to do is, wake up and go to school.

I remember I love going to school when I was little girl. I never missed the school bus because i want to go school. My mom would warned me if I missed the school bus, i will be staying home for the day. I was terrified the idea of it, so I wake up as early as possible so i wouldn't miss the bus.

Fresh out.

I started to work. Again. But this time, i feel more like an adult.

I always thought I have everything figure out. Turns out, not really. When I was little, I have a strong ambitious that I want to work in the film industry. I want to do something related to production. So I did college about it. But i never step into film industry but commercial instead. Well, I guess it still a related industry. Then, I had the opportunity to work audio production which i have ZERO knowledge about it and hated it so much when i was in college. Working in the studio for almost three years, i kinda lost myself not because i dont like the job. It just I started not sure where my life heading to. So i decided to quit the job, found a uni. Some probably said is an escape, which probably true. Anyways, I had a great time. Met a lot of people and i felt my views towards become wider. Then I came home, did I figure out? No, in fact, i stop figure it out what I gonna do for the rest of my life. I live at the moment, grab any opportunities that come into my way.

I am one of those adults who live with my parents. I don't think living with parents make me less like adult but sometime is hard to be an adult when you live with parents. Reason being, sometime parents still pay for a lot thing but I don't treat them like an ATM. Also, my parents treat me like an adult too which has made adulthood easy to sit in. As the working adult in the family, I am required to contribute to the family, financially. So I did.

When I was teenage girl, I always think spending a lot to look good is a necessary. I am not one of those good looking girls, nor have great personality. I am just plain salty girl. So I spent a lot on clothes. A LOT. Using clothes to look good, to please whoever I am going out with. Then I realised, somehow I am the one who trying to please myself. Not someone else. One day sat in my room, I saw there were so many clothes that i bought that i don't need anymore to make myself look good, to impress myself. So I started to take them out and I stopped buying clothes unless I really love that piece. I think i have bought 1 dress in 6 months which quite an unusual for a girl like me and I am still trying to spend lesser.

Recently, I have started a 21 days challenges for myself. To force and encourage myself to work out more often. So i did and completed it. How does it feel? To be honest, i feel great. I was quite pump up for those days that I did workout in the morning before going to work. I was happy and energetic. Also, taking 2 hours in a day, is not much. I spent way too much in bed or sitting in the office for work. The reason i started to go gym because i need a little distraction from my depression. I wasn't myself at all at the time so my friend encourage me to do some workout. So I did and now I couldn't stop, although there's been cheat day around when I was a little lazy for the day but i still go the next day.

There are ups and downs in adult-ing life. but it has been a good journey. I wouldn't want to go back school anymore like i used to be. I enjoy every moment of being an adult except getting old which is gonna take me a while to accept the fact I'm getting older every single day.

Time is ticking to 2020.

candy floss at work

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